Welcome to the Brighton Blueprint!

Brighton College is an incredible group of schools and we are all very lucky to work with such a highly regarded brand. Our role as marketeers is to ensure this special brand is protected, and that our communications are consistent across everything we do, wherever you are in the world. This website has been created to help you understand how to market your Brighton College school effectively. Within these pages, you’ll find guidelines, advice, ideas and templates. This information will help you to communicate the Brighton College brand message to your target audience and ensure that your marketing efforts are successful in recruiting new pupils to your school.

However, this does not replace the in-person support that the Brighton College Marketing team offer you. We will continue to provide marketing support at every stage on your journey. You can rely on us to understand your challenges, help to pinpoint what’s working, and not, and improve your marketing effectiveness. As a result, we will help you to gain more pupils to your school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, Rachel or Jane.