As a Sixth Former at Brighton College, you’ll be joining a happy, kind, diverse and supportive community. You’ll find like-minded young people who work hard and achieve incredible success and also truly enjoy their time at school and the many opportunities on offer.

 Sixth Form pupils in their suits after lessons sitting together in the Atrium of the SSS

As part of the Sixth Form, you will be part of a supportive and dynamic scholarly environment and a friendly and caring school community. Renowned for its culture of kindness, Brighton College has wellbeing at the centre of its culture. 

 Sixth Formers walking down the stairs talking to younger pupils outside the SSS

Brighton College is dedicated to being part of a kind and caring community that looks out to the local surroundings, as well as to national and international concerns. We help develop and support a culture in which pupils appreciate their responsibility towards other members of society, and we see ourselves as a part of society, not apart from it. 

 Pupil on Make A Difference Day holding weeds above his head on a shovel in a garden

Designed to be more than functional, our world-leading departments, studying and relaxation spaces inspire both pupils and our teachers. The Sixth Form Club and Study are central to Sixth Form life and ensure pupils are happy and successful.  

 Pupils sitting at the tables with laptops and notebooks studying in the Sixth Form Club

We are a stone's throw from the sea, next to the countryside, and on the edge of one of the most exciting cities in the country. At Brighton College, you can walk to all three. We also have easy transport links to London. 

 Sixth form pupils enjoying themselves on the beach in front of Brighton Pier
Who We Are

Brighton College seeks to impart or provide:

  • a love of learning for its own sake;
  • a foundation of knowledge and body of skills with which to understand and question the world we live in and to prepare us, through an innovative approach to education, for the world we are likely to inhabit in the future;
  • an awareness of, and appreciation of, the spiritual dimension in our lives;
  • an enthusiasm for the world beyond the classroom – in particular, sport, music and the performing arts;
  • a respect for difference in others and a recognition that the efforts and achievements of every individual in our community are valued equally;
  • an awareness of the needs of others, and a firm belief that – whatever our age – we can make a difference, locally and globally, right now.

In short, we strive to turn out well-educated, tolerant and intellectually curious young adults who are ready to take a full, active and positive role in the life of our country and of our world.

 Sixth form pupils enjoying themselves on the beach in front of Brighton Pier