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Prep School pupils are allocated to one of four Houses: St Patrick's, St George's, St Andrew's or St David's. The House system fosters healthy competition and community spirit and assigns buddies to new pupils to ensure everyone is cared for.
By participating in competitions and events, each House can earn points, contributing to their overall House score, where the victorious House celebrates with a 'House Feast'. Every House nominates a charity to support for the year, and pupils are encouraged to support their chosen charities through collaborative fundraising endeavours.
Our pupils are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility from a young age. From Nursery to Year 6, pupils are presented with an array of opportunities to embrace responsibility within our school community and are encouraged to lead, influence and leave an indelible mark on the school's ethos.
From Year 4, pupils can become ambassadors for the school. Our pupil ambassadors have been at the forefront of promoting wellbeing, respect, digital literacy and sustainability awareness. Through engaging discussions led by our dedicated staff and Prefects, the pupils can initiate impactful projects that have benefited the entire school community.
Our School Council plays a crucial role in our school's progress. It ensures that the voices and ideas of our pupils are heard and acted upon. The Council is a platform where the creativity and passion of our pupils are catalysts for real change and progress within the school.
Our regular breakfasts with the Headmaster and Prefect lunches foster pupil-teacher connections and offer invaluable leadership experiences beyond the classroom.
We ensure all our pupils develop the life skills required at the College and beyond. We teach first aid training, money management, life skills, career talks, the importance of healthy sleep and eating, public speaking, entrepreneurship, wellbeing workshops and interview skills. We regularly invite guest and parent speakers and provide workshops tailored to each subject focus.
We prioritise our pupils' holistic development, support their wellbeing and health, and encourage mindfulness throughout their educational journey with us.
Our unique HEALTH (Home Economics and Lifetime Health) programme focuses on six key skills: culinary, growth, nutrition, outreach, textiles, and sustainability. Our pupils regularly dive into self-discovery and wellness, embarking on an enlightening journey through our Beach School lessons and mindfulness clubs, teaching our pupils the importance of prioritising self-care and reflection.
Implementing wellbeing initiatives is integral to our school's vision of providing a well-rounded education beyond academic achievement, preparing our pupils for success in all areas of their lives.
Our catering team understands the importance of fuelling inquisitive minds. Healthy food is key to a healthy mind, but equally important is how food brings pupils and teachers together to share their thoughts over a delicious meal.
Our chefs take great pride in the food they create, making sure that every day, individual needs are met through a wide variety of creative, freshly cooked, inviting, and simply delicious dishes. We have a dedicated Nutritionist who, along with our catering team, has developed a range of initiatives throughout the year, providing engaging, fun, and educational activities to support our pupils’ development and wellbeing.
Our culture of kindness permeates everything we do at Brighton College. We place great emphasis on mutual respect and kindness to others, so that every child feels valued for who they are.