
College NewsEvents
 u5th b

The Upper Fifth have enjoyed everything from volleyball on the seafront, to cooking risotto with our catering team, a futures talk from Mr Worrallo and a TEFL course with our Head of EAL.

Other exciting well-attended events were the ‘Suit Yourself ’ talk on sartorial advice for the Sixth Form suit on Thursday, and Mr Carr-Hill has came back to give the Upper Fifth a talk entitled ‘Money Matters’, to teach them about personal finances.

On Wednesday, the Upper Fifth were invited to a BBQ on the Home Ground to celebrate the end of their exam and enjoyed exceptional weather on the Home Ground with their futures in The Richard Cairns Building very much (literally) on the horizon.

After a tasty lunch, they enjoyed a tub of ice cream on the School of Science and Sport’s Sky Garden with their tutor groups, looking out over the English Channel on a glorious summer’s day.

We wish them all the best for a wonderful summer after a busy term!